Lauren Rascoe

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Child Of The Sun

Change arrives brisk as the wind

Swift as the air upon the horizon

Rolling over hills and wisping by trees

smiling at its own reflection in freshwater springs

completely aware it’s on its way to meet the unsuspecting…

They say sometimes things have to fall a part in order to fall together

The same way seasons change and show us signs in the shifting weather

I ask myself often with deep wonder 

How do I adapt to such things?

And why does the next version of me always seem to cost so damn much?

We very seldom talk about how much it hurts to break free

To bloom into flowers so the world can consume its beauty 

while also taking for granted the pain it endured to grow 

Never once acknowledging what it sacrificed to be here

We just chuck it up to being the circle of life

the ebb and the flow 

accepting change where it’s met you 

and wondering the next place you’ll go… you know?

It’s okay to stare at the pieces of what we once were.

Unwrapping ourselves from our skin and examining our shedding 

in our search for understanding.

There's something intrinsic about the act of trying to discover the clues

tucked between our heart and rib cage 

navigating the inner road map back to who you really are.

In some ways there's magic in the opportunity

picking up the pieces of what is and leaving behind what was

deciding who and what you're going to be

flipping over to a new page

beginning a new chapter, setting the next scene...

figuratively a fresh start; almost like a new beginning

The welcoming of a rebirth. 

Allowing the chills of change to vibrate down your spine

Treating each moment after it lingers on with pace and grace

Calling in ease and letting love fill voids and empty space

As you let the light inside you guide your way through the dark unknown. 

Finding your way back to you through gratitude; redefining fun.

honoring who you truly are: a child of the sun.

If you enjoyed this poem, I turned it into a short film, that is a visual representation of self-discovery and embracing change.
Click the here to learn more and view the short film!

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